Hi all. The above screenshot shows the error I am getting.
It occurs after the first cutscene, when I move Link from one area to another (to go search for Epona).
System specs: Alienware 17r3, Intel i7-6700HQ, Nvidia RTX 3080 (external), 16GB RAM
Game ISO: Twilight Princess NTSC-U RZDE01 (md5 = 70946e09da8f0bb218bb3b3542953d63). I just ripped it with cleanRIP.
What settings I've tried changing but has not resolved the bug: changed backend from D3D11 to D3D12, D3D9, and openGL (I do have vsync enabled, otherwise the video is distored); changed internal resolution from 6x to 3x; changed Anti-Aliasing from 2x MSAA to none; reduced Anisotropic filtering from 16x to 1x; disabling dual core.
Did you ever fix this? Getting the same thing :(