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Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D 4K 2022 SMALLER New Logo Render v2 COMPLETE.png

Hello! This is my 4K texture pack page for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D!  


Some general info regarding this texture pack which you should read before you download it;


  • So far, several hundred of the most important textures have been completely re-textured from scratch! 

  • The end goal is to remake every single texture from scratch.

  • I am completely up for suggestions, changes and submissions. You will of course be fully credited for any work you submit.

  • The 4K version of the texture pack is scaled to 8x the base resolution, which is suitable for 4K displays. The 1080p version is scaled to 4x the base resolution, which is best for 1080p displays.

  • My goal with this texture pack is to enhance the original game visuals while staying faithful to the original vision. That means my textures are meant to blend in as much as possible with the old textures so the game feel doesn't change.

  • This texture pack is for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, which means the 3DS version only. There are no plans to port it to the N64 version currently for several reasons (see F.A.Q).

  • The texture pack, as distributed, is provided *as is*. There is no emulator included with the texture pack.

  • The appearance of several locations has been changed to better match the tone of the N64 version. This includes locations such as the Bottom of the Well, where the blood has been restored from the N64 version as well as the final battle, which is now much darker like in the original.

  • This texture pack will work with any custom mods / hacks of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D as long as they aren't adding new textures or changing old ones (in which case, conflicting textures will be overwritten by one another but it will still work). It will work with the OOT3D Randomizer, for example

  • It works with the Free Camera Control mod, which lets you control the camera in full 360 degrees freely just like in Majora's Mask 3D and in modern Zelda games.


  • NTCS and PAL region versions are fully supported, but all other region versions are technically supported as well.

  • The texture pack fully supports English, Spanish and German. More languages are planned to be added in future versions.

  • On Windows only, games can look extra good with Reshade, which includes many color grading changes and optional post processing effects. Please note that all post processing can be modified easily from user to user to fit your own preference, you can make it look however you like. If you have installed Reshade, press the "HOME" key on your keyboard while in-game to open the ReShade menu, where you can edit the post processing to your heart's content. Extra post prcessing can also be completely disabled in-game by pressing "F12" on your keyboard.

Some potential benefits over the N64 version:


  • Better visuals (Higher resolution textures, higher quality models, better animations, depth of field, ambient occlusion, global illumination, tone mapping, post processing shaders, higher framerate and even ray tracing*)

  • 60 & 120 fps support using Lossless Scaling

  • Supports gyroscope and motion controls for aiming

  • Boss Fight Replays

  • Less pausing (iron boots as an item rather than equipment, for instance)

  • More item slots

  • Sheikah Guiding Stone for hints

  • Water level icons in the water temple

  • Master Quest is part of the game by default

  • Very high stability (rare to crash or hang up)

  • Save States

  • Lots of great 3DS-exclusive mods

  • Full 360 degree camera control using the right stick (using this mod)

  • Full support for Windows, MacOS (including Apple Silicon) and Linux (including Steamdeck)

  • Android Support

  • Really easy to install and use

  • Full control over post processing and effects (colors, exposure, contrast, bloom etc) using Reshade

  • Stereoscopic 3D support

  • ...and the list goes on.

How is the texture pack made? How is this possible?

Lots of people have been asking how the textures and the texture pack is made, and how it works! So here's a (relatively) comprehensive explanation and showcase on how I make the 4K textures and how the workflow works! (If you're not interested feel free to just skip this section)


  • I make the textures using a combination of methods. I usually rework the textures by hand in Photoshop by compositing native 4K textures together. It's almost like making a collage, in a way. Some textures are hand painted, such as most of the UI textures and some character textures. Then I do this over and over again for every texture, pretty much! Oftentimes I refer to concept art or official artwork to get closer to the "intended vision".

  • The time it takes all depends on what kind of texture it is of course, some need more work than others, things like the UI and characters faces can take a very long time to get right. Important textures (and frequently used textures) are also usually prioritized since they're so obvious when you play the game!

  • The textures can then be loaded through texture injection in an emulator to replace the default textures with new ones on-the-fly- no modding is required at all!

Want to help contribute to these projects?

If so, thank you! Myself and lots of people would greatly appreciate your help making these projects shine even brighter. All contributed work will of course be credited, however not all submited textures might be included in the texture pack if they're not deemed a suitable fit for any reason. The most important thing is that textures are faithful to the original art style, and that they contain no copyrighted or otherwise illegal content before being distributed. Here are some specific core areas which are currently especially important in regards to contributed work;

  • UI and text translations (French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese)

  • UI icons and character portraits

  • ​Minor texture tweaks (mistake corrections or spelling fixes, for example)

  • High-quality, royalty free environment textures or material textures (PBR or otherwise) without watermarks.

©2025 Henriko Magnifico.

Nintendo, its products, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any references made to Nintendo or its intellectual property on this website are solely for descriptive purposes and do not imply any endorsement or affiliation with Nintendo.

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